Friday, December 7, 2007


Listening To: Revenge is Sweeter than you ever were The Veronicas

Finally! A long long wait for Sweetest Sorrow, the sister of
I got my inspiration to call my blog Sweetest Sorrow because I write about my tragic life. It is vair vair tragic, believe me. Therefore it makes you feel better about your life after reading mine. =]

Offline Life: Well, yesturday was the last day of school, the end of year 8 for me. Yesss! The year 8s and 9s went to Wet n Wild, it was SO MUCH FUN. No parents, teachers that were teaching (Well, there were teachers but they werent teaching, but riding the rides there if you know what I mean.)
Kate had a fight with Sian, to be honest, I R E A L L Y do not like her. She can get on your nerves. A LOT.
So I was really happy. = D

My Dad got really angry at me coz I didn't really get a good report card. Niether did Kate. She even got BELOW me. Now I am babysitting my brother all aloney lonesome. Baaad for the first day of the Holidays.

Going to post some graphics soon, maybe, I am new to this blogspot. =] I shal keep you posted, chums and chumettes.
Lots of kisses,
Au revoir.


Anonymous said...

What was your mark from your report card?
I get D+ or D-, Im sure yours can't be THAT bad. Sorry to hear your parents are mad at you.
Nice blog, your title made me laugh. Haha.

Caitlin said...

I got mostly C+ and C-. Thank you for your concern.

Anonymous said...

I love your page! AND it has just started out!
Good work, will love to hear some more from you very very very soon.

Anonymous said...

My name is Diana, but my nickname is Nene.
I love your blog, and I cant beleive I am the 4th person to comment!
Must be pretty new?


Caitlin said...

Hello Nene.
Thank you for your comment, I hope you will enjoy reading my blog into the future. Yes, my blog just started today and I cannot believe how many people have already responded. Thank you for visiting!