Sunday, December 9, 2007


Thank the lord, baby Jesus has triamphed!
Yessss! I am going over to Kates house today for 4 hours. Raddd.

Anyway, I am getting really fed up with this layout. I have been searching all over the place for a really good blogger layout. Still searching though. Not much luck.
I am looking for a really really colorful layout, but I normally like making them myself. So I am going out on a limb here.

Going for a BBQ tonight, oh what fun! NOT. It will be for my brothers old footie team, so not much fun for me included. oh well. On the bright side I do not have to babysit my brother tomorrow, Mum is not working! Hurrah!

Anyway, I am really bored and I ust had the urge to post. Again. So Au Revoir, until next time.
Possibly this arvo.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Listening to: Dont feel like Dancing Scissor Sisters

I am happy. Ish. I didn't have to do much house work apart from cleaning the bathroom and vacuming. Which is good. Kate (My BFF) forced me to apologise to my Dad after what happened this morning, to be honest with you I don't even know why he was angry with me in the first place.
All I did was grunt when he told me to do the dishes. Ommmmmm. Anyway, today has been OK so far, I just don't want tomorrow to come. Why? You ask. Well, Sunday usually is our 'family' day, where everyone gets to drive around aimlessly in a car. There goes my weekend ALREADY.

I shall keep you updated on tomorrow/today, my chumettes and chums. If there are any.
Online Life: Trying to update thatgirl. No such success. Which is why I am blogging on here. Ommmmm. Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Or at least, Sunday.
Au Revoir, Oomph and Hrumf.


Listening To: Dad Talking.

Morning. Not quite into my torture chamber yet. Got until Mum goes to work and Thomas waking up before that happens. I really want it to be Monday, so I have got the house all to myself except for my brother. Ugh.

Dad said I have to clean today. I do not like cleaning, although I should really get used to it as every Saturday I have to clean. Again and again. Double ugh. Then we will have to do the biggest shop in the universe, and NOT Christmas shopping. Grocery shopping. Oh, what fun I am going to have today!

Throw my dreams of staying home and calling my friends. Anywho, got to get on with life as it happens.
Au Revoir.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Watching: The computer screen.

Babysitting. A boring task. Today I didn't really do much, and you may be wondering why I am posting twice in a row. Well, I can tell you. Todays earlier post was from yesturday, I was getting fed up with waiting for my other site to start up officially.
So I decided to create this blog. Which is why I am updating twice as much as I normally will. So I added some media to the media page, of course. It is an UNCODED blue and green layout. Not that good with coding, some tell me. =]

I got up the soy milk today. I drank a whole cartoon. We have about 5 more in the pantry. I can't believe I ate so much, I guess that is what babysitting does to you. It is obviously unhealthy.

Tryed to find a good blog skin today, no such luck though. So I have to stick with this one for a bit, until I can find the most amazing skin on the web. THEN I can finally have a proper site! Pretty cool.

Anyway, nothing much else to say. Might not update tomorrow. Normally on Saturday I have to work my ass off trying to clean the house, so I wont get much time on my beloved site.
Lets just see what happens.
Au revoir,


Listening To: Revenge is Sweeter than you ever were The Veronicas

Finally! A long long wait for Sweetest Sorrow, the sister of
I got my inspiration to call my blog Sweetest Sorrow because I write about my tragic life. It is vair vair tragic, believe me. Therefore it makes you feel better about your life after reading mine. =]

Offline Life: Well, yesturday was the last day of school, the end of year 8 for me. Yesss! The year 8s and 9s went to Wet n Wild, it was SO MUCH FUN. No parents, teachers that were teaching (Well, there were teachers but they werent teaching, but riding the rides there if you know what I mean.)
Kate had a fight with Sian, to be honest, I R E A L L Y do not like her. She can get on your nerves. A LOT.
So I was really happy. = D

My Dad got really angry at me coz I didn't really get a good report card. Niether did Kate. She even got BELOW me. Now I am babysitting my brother all aloney lonesome. Baaad for the first day of the Holidays.

Going to post some graphics soon, maybe, I am new to this blogspot. =] I shal keep you posted, chums and chumettes.
Lots of kisses,
Au revoir.