Friday, December 7, 2007


Watching: The computer screen.

Babysitting. A boring task. Today I didn't really do much, and you may be wondering why I am posting twice in a row. Well, I can tell you. Todays earlier post was from yesturday, I was getting fed up with waiting for my other site to start up officially.
So I decided to create this blog. Which is why I am updating twice as much as I normally will. So I added some media to the media page, of course. It is an UNCODED blue and green layout. Not that good with coding, some tell me. =]

I got up the soy milk today. I drank a whole cartoon. We have about 5 more in the pantry. I can't believe I ate so much, I guess that is what babysitting does to you. It is obviously unhealthy.

Tryed to find a good blog skin today, no such luck though. So I have to stick with this one for a bit, until I can find the most amazing skin on the web. THEN I can finally have a proper site! Pretty cool.

Anyway, nothing much else to say. Might not update tomorrow. Normally on Saturday I have to work my ass off trying to clean the house, so I wont get much time on my beloved site.
Lets just see what happens.
Au revoir,


Anonymous said...

Poor You!

Anonymous said...

I never have to work on Saturday...

Caitlin said...

Well some people do...