Saturday, December 8, 2007


Listening to: Dont feel like Dancing Scissor Sisters

I am happy. Ish. I didn't have to do much house work apart from cleaning the bathroom and vacuming. Which is good. Kate (My BFF) forced me to apologise to my Dad after what happened this morning, to be honest with you I don't even know why he was angry with me in the first place.
All I did was grunt when he told me to do the dishes. Ommmmmm. Anyway, today has been OK so far, I just don't want tomorrow to come. Why? You ask. Well, Sunday usually is our 'family' day, where everyone gets to drive around aimlessly in a car. There goes my weekend ALREADY.

I shall keep you updated on tomorrow/today, my chumettes and chums. If there are any.
Online Life: Trying to update thatgirl. No such success. Which is why I am blogging on here. Ommmmm. Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Or at least, Sunday.
Au Revoir, Oomph and Hrumf.

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