Saturday, December 8, 2007


Listening To: Dad Talking.

Morning. Not quite into my torture chamber yet. Got until Mum goes to work and Thomas waking up before that happens. I really want it to be Monday, so I have got the house all to myself except for my brother. Ugh.

Dad said I have to clean today. I do not like cleaning, although I should really get used to it as every Saturday I have to clean. Again and again. Double ugh. Then we will have to do the biggest shop in the universe, and NOT Christmas shopping. Grocery shopping. Oh, what fun I am going to have today!

Throw my dreams of staying home and calling my friends. Anywho, got to get on with life as it happens.
Au Revoir.


Anonymous said...

Poor Poor you!
I hate Christmas shopping, especially as it is that tipw of year agaen.

Anonymous said...

Your torture chamber?